Hmmm...what have I learned about myself as a writer/blogger?
Over the past 31 days of "slicing" about Eli, I've learned:
-3-year olds can provide a limitless supply of potential writing material...as long as you tape record them constantly, or follow them around with a notepad saying, "Could you repeat that for Mommy?"
-Writing definitely requires a bit of planning/prewriting/and thinking. It's what I ask my students to do on a daily basis. (Talk about getting a taste of my own medicine!)
-When I knew I was going to have to come up with a daily writing topic, I found myself brainstorming possible ideas the night before...mostly when I should have been sleeping, of course. As I always say to my students, "You're thinking like a writer!" :)
***Thank you, SOL Challenge, for forcing...err, coercing...um, encouraging me (that sounds a bit more positive) into blogging about my sweetie pie little boy. It's been fun, and I plan to continue the blog, although perhaps not on a daily basis.
Thanks also to Ruth, who introduced me to the challenge in the first place. :)