Eli and I both have been home sick all through the long weekend. There's been lots of snuggling, nose wiping, medicine measuring, and undertones of grumpiness in our home.
Today, during a short snuggle session, I asked if he would like to have another cat someday. We had our beloved cat, Puck, put to sleep just 2 weeks ago. He was 16 and had a heart condition and a few other complications. It's been hardest on me, I think, since Puck was my baby even before I was married, and long before Eli entered my life.
Anyhoo, Eli said that he thinks we should get another cat. (Now to convince my husband!) I asked Eli if he liked any certain color of fur, thinking that he'd say he prefers black, since Puck was a black cat (with green eyes). Think again! Eli thought for a moment, then replied, "I think we need a green cat. I never saw a green one before. We could see him in the dark, even!" Green has always been Eli's favorite color. I should have known that his love of green would enter the realm of cat selection.