Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cat Chat

Eli and I both have been home sick all through the long weekend. There's been lots of snuggling, nose wiping, medicine measuring, and undertones of grumpiness in our home.

Today, during a short snuggle session, I asked if he would like to have another cat someday. We had our beloved cat, Puck, put to sleep just 2 weeks ago. He was 16 and had a heart condition and a few other complications. It's been hardest on me, I think, since Puck was my baby even before I was married, and long before Eli entered my life.

Anyhoo, Eli said that he thinks we should get another cat. (Now to convince my husband!) I asked Eli if he liked any certain color of fur, thinking that he'd say he prefers black, since Puck was a black cat (with green eyes). Think again! Eli thought for a moment, then replied, "I think we need a green cat. I never saw a green one before. We could see him in the dark, even!" Green has always been Eli's favorite color. I should have known that his love of green would enter the realm of cat selection.


  1. I vote for a green cat too or maybe a black cat with a green sweater. :)

  2. Love that little guy! Tell him if I see a green cat, it's his!

  3. Sorry about Puck. :( Losing pets is very hard! Good luck with the green one. Maybe you can convince him his favourite colour is orange. :)

  4. Like your title and your names for cats. This is truly a Slice of Life. Good luck with green and next month is the month of green!

  5. Sorry about Puck. Do you know the book, Pete the Cat (and his white shoes) - your little guy will enjoy it.
