So Eli's been watching bits and pieces of news stories about the ongoing tragedy in Japan. He was asking about the nuclear reactor newsflash that described the possible attempt to contain the radiation using a concrete "sarcophagus." His first question was, "What's that word mean?"
So Daddy tried to explain that it would be like building a box around it, to keep the radiation from coming out. Eli practiced saying sar-coph-a-gus that day. He seemed satisfied with my husband's explanation.
Today, while digging through the toy box, Eli referred to it as a sarcophagus. He explained that it's a box that holds his toys, just like the concrete sarcophagus on the news. He even used the word correctly, pronounced so that we could understand him. Whoa.
Wow! Isn't it amazing how quickly young kids pick up and use language correctly?? What a fabulous word for your little one to add to his knowledge base!
He's like a sponge--only much smarter!