This morning, as I was getting ready to go to work, I checked the video monitor and noticed that Eli was awake, but still lying in bed curled up with Blankie (Blankie is so important that he DESERVES a capital letter).
So I tiptoed into his room and said, "Good morning. Are you still sleepy?"
"Yes. Please 'snug me in,' Mommy."
I love the way we make up and use these nonsense words/phrases that are pretty much only meaningful to us. I 'snugged him in,' which consists of covering him up snugly with his robot comforter, and placing Blankie in a certain position on top of the comforter (with the tag facing toward his face), told him I'd see him after work, and said, "I love you."
Eli smiled a sleepy boy smile, and said, "I love you too, Mommy."
Definitely a good start to my day.
Awww--so cute! Definitely a good start to your week. :)