Tonight as we sat down to eat dinner, Eli jumped up and said he had to use the bathroom. When he got in there, he closed the door as usual. But I could hear him talking...
Sometimes he'll sing a little tune while he's doing his business, but it didn't sound like singing tonight. So I stepped quietly toward the bathroom door and listened. This is the "conversation" I overheard between Eli and...you guessed it, HIS PENIS!
Eli: You need to point down!
Penis (using a slightly higher pitched voice than Eli's usual voice): I don't feel like it!
Eli (pleading): But I don't want to pee everywhere!
Penis: Oh, ok.
Eli: Thank you very much.
Enough said.
I am SO glad I decided to log on and read your post this morning! This is hilarious--and I can't believe you actually got it. Now, you need to save this until he's dating....or getting married. :)